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Works Section

  • Spatial Planning and Development control
  • Provision of Portable water
  • Provision of sewer reticulation
  • Road infrastructure
  • Public lighting
  • Fleet maintenance

A. City Town Planning

1.Town Planning

  • Preparation of Spatial Planning framework
  • Management of land uses
  • Preparation of Master and Local Plans
  • Preparation of layout and site plans
  • Processing subdivisions and consolidations
  • Processing Advertising applications and Billboards

2. Building Inspectorate

  • Assessment of Building plans and Development proposals
  • Inspections of Buildings under construction
  • Inspection of Existing Buildings and state of maintenance
  • Development management

3. Survey

  • Identification and relocation of beacons
  • Supervision of land survey work
  • Setting out of all building works
  • Ensuring that all topographical surveys are done
  • Maintaining all survey records city wide

B. Water and Sanitation

The division provides the City of Kwekwe residents, business and industry with clean, safe and reliable drinking water and treat wastewater. The division ensures effective and efficient design and construction of Water and Sewerage reticulation systems. The division also maintains the reticulation system’s electrical and mechanical installations and associated structures.

1. Water and Sewer Reticulation Section

  • Maintains the water and sewer reticulation systems
  • Repairs burst water pipes
  • Unblocks sewer lines 

2. Electrical Section

  • Maintains all electrical installations at the treatment plants
  • Installation and maintenance of street lights and tower lights
  • Installs and maintains lighting systems in all council buildings

3. Mechanical Section

  • Maintains all mechanical installations at the treatment plants, pump stations and all other council establishments such as fountains etc
  • Installation and maintenance of mechanical equipment

C. Roads

The roads division ensures adequate provision of the road network and associated drainage structures and building structures, to the City of Kwekwe and the provision of transport services to all council departments. This division is responsible for designing roads and drainage structures; designing structural details of buildings and for crafting the road maintenance programmes

1. Roads Section

  • Maintenance of roads, drainage structures and road furniture
  • Carry out pothole patching, re-graveling and reseals
  • Procurement and mobilization of materials and hire of equipment

2. Transport Section

  • Procurement of vehicles, roads plant and equipment
  • Maintenance of council fleet
  • Design and maintenance of transport management system

3. Building and maintenance Section

  • Construct new council buildings
  • Maintain existing buildings

4. Architectural Section

  • Preparation of architectural designs and working drawings for council buildings
  • Preparation of Bills of Quantities for set projects
  • Preparation of project delivery plans / work schedules.
  • Supervision of construction of new municipal buildings

D. Trade Waste Inspectorate

Trade Waste Inspectorate provides scientific services that ensure that our water is of excellent quality and in compliance with SAZ standards and WHO guidelines. The section has two water quality laboratories, one at the Water Treatment Works and the other at the Sewage Treatment Works. The section carries out environment performance audits in all industries and companies and has an effluent tariff system designed to ensure that companies pay for the treatment of their effluent.

The Key Functions are as follows:
1.  Trade Waste Management
2.  Water Quality Control
3.  Wastewater Quality Control
4.  Pollution Control

E. Projects

  • Ensures that infrastructural (Water, sewer, and roads) designs meet the requisite standards
  • Prepares project delivery plans
  • Mobilize material and human resources for the projects
  • Supervises the execution of the project
  • Writes project progress reports

F. Water Treatment Works

  • Treatment of water for the city of Kwekwe and Redcliff municipality.

G. Sewage Treatment Works

  • Protection of the environment by treatment of Sewage from the whole city