Investment Opportunities
Investment Opportunities
Invest with us
The City has investment opportunities for strategic partnership areas such as wire making, iron and steel, ferrochrome, fertilizer manufacturing, mining and other related industries.
The City has the best quality drinking water in the country in terms of World Health Standards. The water is also adequately reticulated 24/7 to all residential, industrial, commercial areas, including neighbouring Municipality of Redcliff. For sustainability in providing this basic need, the city intends to expand the water treatment plant at least double capacity by 2030 to cater for increase in population due to city expansion.
Kwekwe has prime unserviced land for the new CBD at Railway Reserve. Commercial malls are earmarked to be developed at Mbizo 21, 17 Extension and Southwood Shopping Centres. These mega developments will truly move Kwekwe City towards a smart city status by 2030 brought by private sector driven development. Our Local Authority will consider borrowing funds to finance the projects. The City is going to grow the housing units through high rise buildings under the urban renewal programme.
Your Worship, Manufacturing Industry will contribute greatly by at least 20 percent contribution to the Provincial GDP by 2030. Main projects subsectors which investors are encouraged to undertake are milk processing, and mineral beneficiation and iron and steel works Investments in these areas will definitely move the national economy up the value chain and aid in attaining macroeconomic stability.
Kwekwe city will deliberately include Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the industrialisation drive. In line with this drive, appropriate infrastructure for this category of business shall be built in partnership with Development Partners and BOT strategies. Deliberate action of reserving a third of the industrial stands to be allocated to SMEs has been considered such that by 2030 we would have SMEs contributing a significant percentage to the GDP of Kwekwe especially in the manufacturing sector.
In order to improve on governance issues and to raise more revenue, to almost double the current base by 2025, the relevant legislative by laws shall be developed. Chief among the required bylaws are Hairdressers and Barbers, Touring and Clamping, Traffic Control, Hawkers and Vendors, Sewage and Effluent, Noise Control, Urban Agriculture, Dog Licence, Prepaid Parking, Housing Administration Charges and High density rates.
Your Worship, Youth, Sport and Recreation are key priority areas in NDS 1. It is in line with this and Infrastructure Development that the city intends to up Mbizo Soccer Stadium and Amaveni Soccer Stadium to meet International Standards so that our city becomes the nation’s heart of hosting international sports tournaments as we have already taken the lead in cricket.
Investments in Sports will result in the domestic and international tourism growth. Leveraging on the existing cluster of hotels and lodges, more land shall be availed for conferencing facilities and hotels. The city shall take advantage of its location which is central in Zimbabwe.
The City also has vast opportunities for expansion thereby creating employment opportunities for the youths. There are also on-going efforts by the Central government and Council to resuscitate the road network. There is land readily available for high rise buildings such as flats through the urban renewal and regeneration concepts.
As a local authority we are also at an advanced stage of finalising twinning arrangements with other regional and international cities. This will position the city as an international investment destination of choice.
To facilitate private sector led investment, the city continues to work on improving the ease of doing business and reducing the cost of doing business.
The local authority is providing an enabling environment for private sector investments to thrive. This has seen more investors coming to invest in the City. New investments by companies like Global Union Alloys, Bentouch, OK Zimbabwe (Bon Marche), DCK, Dandairy and Zimasco will lead to employment creation (1000), increased local GDP and improved standard of living in the district.
Your Worship, Kwekwe city is working closely with Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency (ZIDA) in packaging and marketing investment opportunities existing in the city. Priority investment opportunities include biogas production, solar power generation, quarry stones crushing and water bottling.
With a population of 119 863 (ZIMSTAT 2022) Kwekwe City presents a lucrative market for potential businesses.